Have you ever had to speak before an audience of considerable size?
How did you feel?
Were you nervous, scared, or reluctant?
Well, whatever experience you had, bear in mind that yours is not an isolated case.
You see, when it comes to public speaking, it is not out of place to experience nervousness.
But the truth is, regardless of any setback you have experienced, you can be a good speaker!
The following five ideas are practical guides on how to become a good speaker in public.
Five Ideas on How to Become a Good speaker in Public

1. Be Natural
Is there anyone you enjoy listening to and to whom you crave to speak like?
This is not a bad idea.
Because you must readily learn from seasoned speakers with an abundance of knowledge.
However, there lies a trap.
When you mimic that speaker, you will ultimately distract your audience.
And ultimately, you will render your presentation insipid.
Below are tips to help you maintain naturalness.
This is How to Be a Natural Speaker
- Practice well
- Avoid being overly self-conscious when speaking.
- Speak in your daily conversational manner
- Do not be overwhelmed with the desire to impress others.
- Focus on the idea you desire to pass across and not the wordings to express it.
2. Pronounce Words Correctly
Appropriate pronunciation is one of the ideas on how to become a good speaker in public.
What will happen when you pronounce words correctly?
Your audience is more likely to concentrate on your message.
As opposed to being irritated by poor pronunciation.
Let me use the experience to clarify this point as one of the public speaking tips.
There was a time I was making a presentation, and a particular word popped up in my mind.
I had a challenge:
There are two ways of pronouncing the word, and both came to my mind.
Well, I hurriedly opted for one, and after pronouncing it, I heard a loud “No” from the audience.
At that point, I knew I had mispronounced the word, and my listeners were distracted!
Now, imagine that similar mispronunciation was evident throughout my presentation.
What would have happened?
Your guess is as good as mine!
Furthermore, correct pronunciation serves as a confidence booster.
Thus, your attention should be channeled towards your message.
This will reflect in the manner you marshal out your point.
This is How to Pronounce Words Properly
- Listen to good speakers
- Consult a good dictionary frequently.
- Listen to audio recordings of native speakers
- Watch good movies and watch out for appropriate pronunciation.
- Where possible, seek the help of good speakers to guide you personally.
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3. Composure
Composure is a trait all good speakers have. Wait!
Have you seen this before:
A speaker frequently places his hands in and out of his pocket;
Touches his chin, eyeglasses, or wristwatch aimlessly?
Or have you experienced this personally?
All these acts evince a lack of composure!
A speaker is said to be composed when he speaks in a calm, relaxed, and controlled manner.
Such a speaker is self-assured while addressing an audience.
Granted, this is not always easy, especially if it is your first time or before an unfamiliar audience.
But it is worth the effort to speak in a composed manner.
A lack of poise will only make you appear as a person who isn’t abreast of his message.
And the message you may be seeking to pass will be lost!
How to Develop Composure Accurately
- Go over your material again and again.
- Ensure you get your introduction right, as this would help alleviate the initial fear you might likely experience.
- Concentrate on your message rather than your fears.
- Take up opportunities to speak frequently in public.
- Try as much as possible not to memorize your speech.

4. Improve Your Vocabulary
You must work on your diction.
An excellent way to achieve this is by familiarizing yourself with new words.
When you work on your vocabulary, your delivery will be smooth.
What is more?
You will be able to conserve your time since you won’t have to spend time thinking out the appropriate choice of words.
Above all, your audience would be able to focus on your message rather than you.
This is How to Improve Your Vocabulary
- Cultivate the habit of reading good books.
- Make use of a good dictionary
- If you are a football lover, listen to football commentaries.
- Creating time to watch good movies will also be helpful.
- Make it a practice to use new words you have learned in your daily conversation.

5. Visual Contact
Lastly on how to become a good speaker in public, visual contact comes in!
Appropriate visual contact may help to stimulate the audience.
It helps them pay greater attention since it convinces them that you are interested in them.
Also, maintaining eye contact with your audience will largely aid in reducing the temptation to read from your material.
Visual contact would also help you to know the extent to which your listeners are following your delivery.
When you know this, you will be able to adjust accordingly if need be.
Finally, it can help to underscore the importance of the point you are making.
How to Maintain Proper Eye Contact
- Prepare well in advance.
- Begin with a smile
- Begin your introduction with your head held high up as opposed to reading from your material.
- Do not let an indifferent look from any individual in your audience to discourage you. Instead, turn your head away and pick out a friendly smile from those who are enjoying your presentation.
- Be yourself!
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Final Thoughts
These tips on how to become a good speaker in public must be followed up with consistent practice.
Of course, these points are by no means exhaustive.
I did this to avoid an overwhelming list. But what should be your next line of action?
Enroll in this public speaking training!
It will extensively help you master the art of public speaking and completely avert stage fright.
The course will transition you from speaking to just a few folks to a large crowd.
By applying those public speaking tips, you can gain mastery over any feeling of inadequacy.
Conclusively, applying these require being an organized person.
Thus, endeavor to work on being organized.
Undoubtedly, you can be a good speaker!