The year is winding down, and many people look toward the future – the New Year.
You can set goals any time of the year.
However, if you think January 1st holds the promise of a unique, fresh start, I’ve got you covered.
This article covers attainable goals for New Year.
To help you stick to these goals in 2025, I’ve created a simple hack:
- Write down any goals you find appealing in this list in a jotter.
- Each day or each week, examine the goals you were able to reach. If you attain any, write down the date.
- Keep tracking these goals till they become part of you.
- By December, examine how far you’ve gone.
Now, fasten your seatbelt!
- Explore These Amazing Goals For New Year 2025
- 1. Track Happy Moments
- 2. Invest Reasonably
- 3. Compliment Everyday
- 4. Visit New Locations & Don’t Post It On Social Media
- 5. Be Grateful Every Day
- 6. Don’t Gossip
- 7. Go To A New Place
- 8. Be Gentle With Yourself
- 9. Do Random Acts of Kindness
- 10. Volunteer
- 11. Pay It Forward
- 12. Declutter
- 13. Send Handwritten Letters
- 14. Avoid People Who Often Complain
- 15. Make Donations
- 16. Let Go Of Grudges
- 17. Clean As You Go
- 18. Drink More Water
- 19. Reduce Your Waste
- 20. Improve Your Spending
- 21. Learn A Tech Skill
- 22. Learn A New Skill
- 23. Craft Something
- 24. Meet New People
- 25. Dress With Style
- 26. Start A New Hobby
- 27. Work out – To Feel Good
- 28. Quit Multitasking
- 29. Keep A Journal
- 30. Put Bills On Autopay
- 31. Be Kind On Social Media
- 32. Keep In Touch With Those That Matter
- 33. Sanitize Your Stuff
- 34. Cook More!
- 35. Use Your Phone Less
- 36. Limit Obsession With News
- 37. Never Go To Bed Angry
- 38. Switch To A Healthier Meal
- 39. Quit Procrastination
- 40. Read One Book Every Month
- 41. Make More Money
- 42. Be More Polite
- 43. More Quality Sleep
- 44. Nip One Bad Habit In The Bud
- 45. Get More Organized
- 46. Drink Less Alcohol
- 47. Stay Out Of Debt
- 48. Nurture A Plant At Home
- 49. Make Your Bed Every Morning
- 50. Listen More Than You Speak
- 51. Try Guided Meditation
- 52. Wear Sunscreen
- 53. Stop Being Late
- 54. Adopt A Pet
- 55. Be More Social
- 56. Be More Romantic
- 57. Learn A New Culture
- 58. Be More Social
- 59. Remember Important Dates
- 60. Face Your Fears
- 61. Express Yourself Creatively
- Final Thoughts
Explore These Amazing Goals For New Year 2025

1. Track Happy Moments
Daily, write down one or more exciting things that happened to you on a piece of paper.
Keep this piece of paper in an empty bottle.
At the end of each month, review these exciting moments.
You’ll be stunned to learn that you have much to be grateful for.
At the end of the year, do the same. Assuredly, you’ll be surprised at how much you’ve been blessed.
2. Invest Reasonably
Down the line, a small percentage can add up.
Don’t be silly with your earnings. I’m sorry if you find that offensive.
Well, Hannah’s story is truly inspiring.
She made huge cutbacks. With what result? She reached the goal she set to purchase a new home.
You, too, can! Read up on Hannah’s story here.
3. Compliment Everyday
Do you feel happy when someone compliments you? Many people do.
Spread happiness this year by complimenting others more!
There’s an added benefit, and it’s reflected in the comments of a friend who says:
“Saying how much I appreciate others helps me create an optimistic, happier outlook.”
Yes, when you compliment others, you feel deeply satisfied knowing that you have contributed to their happiness.
Once you practice giving compliments each day for a few weeks, you’ll get used to it.
It also helps you focus more on the good in others instead of getting worked up over their not-too-good qualities, achieving inner peace.
4. Visit New Locations & Don’t Post It On Social Media
Travel writer Reanon Muth says: “No photos, no status update.”
Yes, enjoy your vacation without telling anyone!
This idea might seem silly.
But resist the temptation of thinking that if it’s not on social media, it didn’t happen.
5. Be Grateful Every Day
A grateful attitude will help you keep a positive outlook on life and avoid negative thinking.
The truth is, no matter how bad things may seem, you’ll always have one or two things to be grateful for each day.
You can set a goal like that of Rebecca, who says:
“Each day, I write one positive thing in my journal. I want to remind myself that, overall, I have many positive things to think about.”
You can do something similar every night.
6. Don’t Gossip
Bianca said: “People are often the most interesting subject to discuss!” Do you agree with that?
Sadly, within a moment, the discussion can go south.
Don’t be that person who spreads negativity; spread positivity!
Make that one of your goals for the new year!

7. Go To A New Place
Visiting a new place is one of the worthy new year resolution ideas.
You get to experience new things and widen your horizon.
A friend who set this goal of visiting a new city and achieved it has this to say:
“It was a memorable experience. Different new faces, unfamiliar buildings, different transport methods, new cuisines – it was all too exciting.”
You might not even have to travel out of your city to achieve this goal.
Chances are low that you have been to everywhere in your city.
Look around, pick a new place, and experience this thrill this year.
8. Be Gentle With Yourself
Honest self-examination is fuel to becoming a better human.
Do this simple math:
Throughout last year, compare the number of times you criticized yourself with the number of times you talked to yourself with kindness.
Which is more? If the criticism is more, make a change! This year, be fair to yourself.
Be sincere about the corrections you need to make, and be kind when you perform well. Aim to be nice to yourself.
9. Do Random Acts of Kindness
Writing on kindness, Andy Thornton, a cognitive behavioral hypnotherapist, says:
“Often, it is the smallest acts of kindness that can have the most impact.”
Yes, seemingly little acts of kindness can go a long way in making someone’s day and even make you feel good about yourself.
Research shows that being kind to others releases hormones that make us feel good such as Dopamine.
This New Year, make it a goal to perform acts of kindness. The following can make it easier:
- Take note of opportunities to be kind.
- Take action in a friendly, generous, and considerate manner
- Do not expect anything in return.
10. Volunteer
“When you help others, you end up happy.”
“You feel that you really accomplished something, and you see that others appreciate it.”
“What you did may not even feel like a sacrifice because, in the end, you gained so much.”
Those were the words of Alana, who enjoys volunteering to help others.
Do such feelings appeal to you? Set volunteering often as one of your goals for the New Year!
11. Pay It Forward
2025 is an excellent year to do something nice for others.
Did you receive a nice gesture from someone recently? Extend that kindness to others too.
When you receive good things, extend them to others too.
12. Declutter
Often, we get so caught up in getting things we need to make our lives comfortable that we end up piling up things we do not need.
When last did you deliberately set out to clear out the clutter in your home?
A teenager named Constance set the goal to declutter her room once every six months for the past two years.
When asked how she enjoys doing it, she said:
“I start by acknowledging the fact that my room needs to be de-cluttered. Then I focus on the benefits that come from decluttering.”
“Sometimes I even imagine how my space would look after I declutter, and I just can’t wait to bring that imagination to reality.”
What benefits can you get by clearing out the clutter?
The same ones expressed by Constance in these words:
“It gives me a satisfactory sense of responsibility knowing that ‘yes I arranged this!’”
“My room becomes more spacious, it gives way for me to give out things I no longer need, and I find it easier to find things I need when I need them.”
13. Send Handwritten Letters
This is a genuine gesture. A friend during my Industrial Placement sent me this type of letter.
It’s indeed a treasure I fondly remember.
Sending a handwritten letter to someone can make their day.
Think of a day you’ll do this.
14. Avoid People Who Often Complain
While we all go through rough times and tend to talk to friends about it, some people are just perpetual complainers.
When someone around you always has one or two things to rant about, their negative energy may affect you.
“Negative people shouldn’t be our only source of association,” says a woman named Michelle.
Now that’s something to keep in mind this coming year. Limit your association with people who complain a lot.
15. Make Donations
Even if it is a cent, a donation is a donation!
Don’t be discouraged because you have little. Give what you have. You can donate money, clothes, or anything you have.
16. Let Go Of Grudges
Keeping grudges do you more harm than the person you have a grudge against.
Instead of holding grudges this new year, you can adopt the viewpoint of Melinda.
What does this young adult think when people offend her?
“We are all going to step on each other’s toes now and then.”
She continues by saying that we must decide how we will respond.
Don’t let your emotions take control. Let go and have peace.
17. Clean As You Go
You don’t have to clean your home from top to bottom every weekend. You can save that for a monthly routine.
To make that realistic, clean as you go.
Wash dishes after each meal. Wipe down countertops and toilets after use.
Yeah, that’s easy-peasy.
18. Drink More Water
Paying more attention to your physical health is one excellent goal to set.
And one of the best things you do for your body is to drink more water.
One of the participants in a Drink Only Water challenge held last year says:
“I have experienced improved bowel movement, I feel fit, and I have improved sexually. I am really glad that I joined this challenge.”
You, too, can do something your body will thank you for!
19. Reduce Your Waste
The whole world is in a budget crunch. You aren’t exempted.
Do something to manage what you have. Start somewhere.
For instance, instead of purchasing paper towels go for rags cut up from old clothes and towels.
A simple switch also is getting reusable grocery bags. Need more tips? Check here!
20. Improve Your Spending
This involves resisting the urge to spend money unnecessarily on things you do not even need.
This is a good goal because, as the book The Complete Guide to Personal Finance: For Teenagers and College Students says:
“Managing money on your own is an excellent first step toward becoming independent.”
This is not always easy.
One practical way to ensure you do not buy things you do not need is to be like Ellen.
She says:
“When I go to the store, I bring a reasonable amount of money. That way, I can’t spend more than I intended to.”
21. Learn A Tech Skill
Okay, I own this blog and also write for other blog owners.
Nevertheless, this year, I’ve decided to learn JavaScript. My experience? Bliss!
I regret not starting a long time ago.
Examine a tech skill you are passionate about and give it a shot.
22. Learn A New Skill
Learning a new skill will help you improve qualities such as discipline and humility.
It also helps you improve your self-confidence.
As you learn, keep in mind these words from Michael, who successfully learned a new language as an added skill.
“Learning a language is like digging for buried treasure.”
“You can work for hours and not see results, but with each shovelful, you’re closer to your goal.”
“If you continue in your efforts to learn a language, you will find the treasure.”
The same applies to learning any new skill.
23. Craft Something
Okay, you might not be an artist, but you can be creative in your way.
Before the year runs out, do something with your hand; the feeling is gratifying.
Check online and look at some DIY tutorials.

24. Meet New People
Do you know the number of events you’ll be attending this year?
Whether you do or don’t, have a goal to start a conversation with a new person.
Don’t be afraid to make new friends. It’s beneficial for your mental health
25. Dress With Style
Wear the right clothes to make you appear confident and powerful.
This year, invest in clothes that will make you stand out and feel good in a crowd.
26. Start A New Hobby
Do you find yourself sticking with the same old hobbies you’ve had since you were young?
This year is a good time to widen out.
You can try out several hobbies, such as:
- Learning calligraphy
- Cooking
- Painting
- Needlework
- Working out
- Playing musical instruments.
27. Work out – To Feel Good
Jessica Muenste, an Aaptiv trainer, explains that “exercise naturally energizes [us].”
Instead of working out because of your look, obsess over how amazing each workout session will make you feel!
Trust me; numbers don’t always count. What counts? Your overall well-being!
28. Quit Multitasking
Focus on one thing at a time.
That speeds up efficiency and productivity.
Multitasking has been proven to lead to memory problems.
You might want to choose this as one of the goals for New Year.
29. Keep A Journal
Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vince, and Frida Kahlo have something in common.
These famous figures kept a diary or journal to explain their experiences, feelings, and thoughts.
What benefit will you gain from journaling?
It will help you wrestle with stress, anxiety, and depression.
A few sentences can make a big difference!
30. Put Bills On Autopay
If this will put you under undue stress, skip this goal.
But if it won’t, do it!
Doing this reduces what you have to think about.
Plus you won’t have to pay late fees. That’s a win-win.
31. Be Kind On Social Media
Think about this advice from Julia. She said:
“Everyone on social media must endeavor to respond to others on the internet with kindness and empathize more with strangers.”
Do you agree with her? Please do!
Never let bullying or hate be your code of conduct on social media platforms.
32. Keep In Touch With Those That Matter
A quick text or call can make a world of difference. Just do it! Yeah!
33. Sanitize Your Stuff
What are some of the dirtiest things you touch all day?
Your phones and laptop are some of them.
These gadgets harbor lots of bacteria.
Therefore, this year, be sure to sanitize monthly or weekly.
34. Cook More!
There are days I’ll feel like eating some meals.
Instead of heading to the restaurants, I’ll head to the kitchen and get it done.
I’ve done that with Pounded Yam and Egusi.
There’s a meal known by some Nigerian locals as Ekuru. I made that too!
If it’s not something you are good at, go to YouTube and learn.
35. Use Your Phone Less
One great goal to set for this year is to be in control of your devices, especially your mobile phone.
To achieve this, you can start by setting a simpler, specific goal, such as turning off your phone one night every week.
This is especially important if you can relate to Anisa, who says:
“My phone is a big reason I neglect my sleep. It’s hard to resist looking at it when I’m in bed.”
If you can achieve the goal of setting a time to turn off your phone one night every week, you’ll gradually find it easier to be in more control of your devices.
36. Limit Obsession With News
It’s fine to be current. But don’t be obsessed. They can be a subtle source of negativity.
37. Never Go To Bed Angry
One best ways to start the day with gratitude and happiness is to go to bed happy every night.
It is quite simple. Not hard at all.
Even if you are moody, read a joke or watch a comedy. Also, meditate on something good that happened that day.
38. Switch To A Healthier Meal
Nearly everyone is surrounded by junk food.
But get determined and take advantage of some healthy tips to develop healthier eating habits.
- More fruits
- Less soda
- More water
- More vegetables
These are good ways to start.
39. Quit Procrastination
It’s 2024, and we are still talking about procrastination? Yes!
It’s the biggest barrier to attaining your goals. You don’t need a lot of hard work to trash procrastination off your course.
Here is an article dedicated to that.
This article is all about a personal experience you’ll enjoy.
40. Read One Book Every Month
Increased vocabulary, comprehension, motivation, stress management, and improved knowledge – are just some of the benefits experienced by avid readers.
One book per month throughout the New Year is a good place to start. You’ll be glad you did.
41. Make More Money
Yeah! Billionaires want to make more money.
Hey, I’m not encouraging you to run after material things.
Do you have the luxury to add some side hustles without sacrificing other important things?
Sign up as a freelancer, have side jobs, and use the internet to your advantage.
42. Be More Polite
Good manners are an essential part of civilization.
It can make you connect easily, and make you avoid offending people.
What is more, people will see you as being more trustworthy and good!
I explained what being polite in this article entails. It is one of the traits of a good girl.
43. More Quality Sleep
Every night, always shoot for a minimum of eight hours of sleep.
Setting the alarm for that is still one of the easy ways to get that done.
44. Nip One Bad Habit In The Bud
What bad habits are you fighting?
Write them somewhere. And for the next six months, work on quitting them.
An easy hack:
Confide in a trusted person to check up on your progress.
This has proven to be an excellent hack!
Code: 431
45. Get More Organized
On a scale of 1 – 10, how organized are you?
If you are below five, you’ve got to work more. Here is an article I dedicated to that.
This year, increase your mood and productivity by cleaning your house and clearing the clutter, ultimately leading to more organization.
46. Drink Less Alcohol
One or two servings are healthy, don’t go beyond that mark.
47. Stay Out Of Debt
Weighed down with debt?
Apply the tips mentioned in point number 19. If you implement it gradually, you will eventually be out of debt.
48. Nurture A Plant At Home
“Plants in your home or office can make you feel more comfortable, soothed, and natural.”
That is not just some hearsay statement.
It is one of the findings from a study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology.
Many studies have come to a similar conclusion.
Having a plant around can improve your productivity and improve your work outlook.
49. Make Your Bed Every Morning
Doing something as simple as that every morning can go a long way in helping you have a great day.
A student who has made this a habit says:
“It helps me feel organized, and when I start my day with that attribute, it contributes to me being organized with every other thing I do for the rest of the day.”
50. Listen More Than You Speak
Being deliberate about listening patiently to others is a simple manner that many people appreciate.
Why is it good that you show such good manners?
Read Selena’s comments:
“When you show good manners, that’s usually the first thing that people notice and appreciate. You’ll also feel good about yourself because you know you’re doing the right thing.”
You can add listening more and talking less to your list of good manners this year.
51. Try Guided Meditation
52. Wear Sunscreen
53. Stop Being Late
54. Adopt A Pet
I’m thinking of one this year. I’m going to name my dog Bruno. I can’t wait to have it!
55. Be More Social
56. Be More Romantic
57. Learn A New Culture
58. Be More Social
59. Remember Important Dates
60. Face Your Fears
61. Express Yourself Creatively
Final Thoughts
I’ve presented you with an extensive list of goals for New Year.
These goals might lead to long-term changes in your life.
You don’t have to start with everything. Pick one or two. After mastering them, go with another one.
Remember, there is no limit to the number of changes you can make.
Just start somewhere! Do you find these goals exciting? Share with others!
Another interesting article from you. Going with a bang!!!
Nice one … expecting more interesting articles from you ,weldone💪💪👍👍
Thanks for the gift, more inks to your digital pen sir
I love this article,these ideas are really helpful. Keep waxing strong.
So, educative and insightful. Thanks a lot