Have you sometimes sat beside a male folk whose body oozes so badly?
How about a young guy with a suffocating mouth odor?
Was it a pleasant experience?
The answer is obvious.
But what if that person is you? Sad huh? I know.
Naturally, a perfect little scent is excellent because your body isn’t odorless.
However, when that ideal scent starts to irritate people, you have a problem to solve.
Okay, how about your room, toilet, kitchen, and the clothes you wear?
Now, take a trip back to your house.
On a scale of 1-10, where do you fall? Come back home.
This article isn’t written to judge you.
I used those scenarios above to help you peer into who you are when it comes to hygiene.
To help out, this article explores these best hygiene tips for guys below; they come with amazing images for clarity.
- Exploring the 9 Best Hygiene Tips for Guys
- Final Thoughts

Exploring the 9 Best Hygiene Tips for Guys
1. Keep a Fresh Breath
Improving your breath and keeping your teeth and gum healthy doesn’t require Herculean tasks.
It is pretty easy!
- Brush and Rinse Regularly: Brush twice a day. Floss at least once. Use mouthwash to get rid of bacteria. When you brush, always scrape your tongue.
- Stay Off Food That Sour Your Breath: Onions and garlic are typical examples. Don’t eat before leaving home for work or to see a friend.
- Chew Sugarless Gum: Chewing sugarless gum produces saliva for the mouth, a natural defense against dry mouth, plaque acid, and mouth odor.
- Take Mints During The day: It enhances fresh breath.
- Drink Plenty of Water: Drinking water keeps your mouth moist and discourages mouth odor.
Don’t take tobacco. Don’t brush too hard.
Always walk with mint, and use it when you have the feeling that your mouth is dry.
See a doctor if your condition doesn’t change and if you want to get rid of plaque by scaling.
Note: For the removal of plaque, some use blades. If you’re going to use that, be extra careful.
Also Check on How to Heal Gum Disease naturally: 10 Fastest Ways
2. Change Underwear Daily
This is one of the best hygiene tips for guys that must be checked.
Underwear for men includes briefs, boxer shorts, and trunks.
Additionally, sleeveless shirts, also identified as an undershirt, are also worn by men as underwear.
Underwear generally is known to get dirty quickly, and when not cared for, can start to give off an unpleasant odor.
These are what you can do to avoid that.
- Buy more than one boxer shorts: Minimum of five. Wash them every day. If you can’t, wash them every week. Do not wear one briefs or boxer short more than a day before you wash.
- Buy more than one undershirt or singlet: Minimum of six. Wear one per day. If the colors are white, soak with bleach before you wash.
- Buy more than one sock: Minimum of three. After each use, spread out in the sun. It will be helpful to wear each once, but if you can’t, then at most, twice.
Stick to these patterns and enjoy freshness and retainment of pleasant fragrance.
Whatever you do to protect yourself from embarrassment is well worth it.
On top of it, you deserve excellent hygiene.

3. Bath Regularly
One of the right motives for bathing is personal hygiene.
It washes off dead skin cells, and dirt, limits the spread of diseases and rids off body odor.
What is needed to have a good bath?
- Wash With Soap: Each morning, bathe with soap.
- Apply Sponge: Address pubic hairs, underarm hairs, and other hidden parts of the body with a sponge.
- Rinse Your Body Well: You will need enough water to do this.
- Brush Hair First: Before you get your hair wet, brush it first.
- Apply Lotion Immediately After Bathing: Do it immediately after you take your bath.
- Care For Your Heel: Use pumice stone as appropriate to smoothen your heel and get rid of dirt.
- Cut Your Nails: Soak your fingernails and toenails in water before you trim. Use nail clippers for even trimming.
Regularly wash your towel, don’t go a month without washing it.
Then if you have access to warm water, that will be cool for your face.
Also Read on Personal Hygiene Tips for Students
4. Your Toilet and Bathroom Deserves Attention
A dirty toilet doesn’t complete your quest to be clean and embrace good personal hygiene.
That’s why we are including this as one of the best hygiene tips for guys.
Do you tiptoe or walk comfortably in your bathroom?
Whatever the case is, apply these tips below
- Use Bathroom Slippers: Bathroom slippers prevent you from slippery and prevent your foot from getting wet. But additionally, it prevents you from staining the toilet.
- Use Cloth: Should you detest slippers in the bathroom, put a cloth on the floor to wipe off your feet.
- Wash your Toilet Weekly: You can do a light wash every weekend. Wash the closet and the bathtub with bleach.
- Do Thorough Washing Every Month: Once in a month, wash your bathroom and toilet.
- Wash Hands After Use: After using the toilet, use soap and water to thoroughly wash your hand.
Note: If it is a shared toilet, don’t hesitate to meet the other person, and speak with him.
Schedule how you wish to do the cleaning exercise.
You should agree on what you can do to enhance your toilet and bathroom cleanliness.
Use the above options mentioned when discussing.

5. Keep Your Room Clean
A clean room can make you feel relaxed.
It makes you organized, keeps your clothes neat, and gives your room a pleasant scent.
But if it seems hard to do, below is what can help.
- Pick Things up: Pick up clothes from the floor, take out garbage, clear off plates and utensils, and clean your desk.
- Keep Clothes Separate: Keep Worn clothes separate from washed and ironed clothes.
- Sweep Your Room Every day: Doing this will help you return things to their rightful place and get to arrange your room once again.
- Make Your Bed Every morning: Make it an attitude to make your bed every morning as you stand up.
- Hang Clothes: Hang worn clothes separate from others. Put dirty clothes inside the laundry basket.
- Arrange Your Shoes Neatly: Clean your shoes before you take them inside your room. Then arrange them in a shoe rack neatly.
- Get Rid of Clutter: Identify stuff you rarely use and get rid of them.
- Return Things to Their Rightful Spot
- Iron Clothes After Washing
- Develop Reasonable Cleaning Habits: Each day, write down a to-do list of duties you need to do. More to the point, design a weekly routine.
- Do laundry When it’s Full: Don’t pile up dirty clothes for weeks. Wash clothes every week.
- Keep garbage Can: Keep a garbage bin in your room for housing litter.
Don’t put off cleaning.
Always add ironing to your weekly routine, so you ’won’t have to wear squeezed clothes.
Use room fresheners if you aren’t allergic to them.
6. Keep Your Kitchen Clean
A clean kitchen enhances your lifestyle in so many positive ways.
It speeds up how you cook, thus saving time and energy.
This part is mainly for guys who cook.
And the advice will be limited since it’s targeting guys.
If you rarely cook, you can still take home some points.
- Stay Minimal: Sell stuff you rarely use. Keep things you can’t do without
- Clean While You Wait: While you are waiting for a pot to come to a boil, use that time wisely, clean the dishes in the zinc, and return things you wouldn’t need clean spills and used utensils.
- Wash Your Plates Immediately: After each meal, wash your plates. To make it easier, prepare soap in a bowl so you wash it once you are done eating.
This tip is excellent for students and single men who use the kitchen often.
If you are a married man, you might wish to relieve your wife.
Do this by washing your plates after each meal.
You can check these full tips on how to keep a kitchen clean.

7. Shave Your Private Parts
Underarm hairs and hairs do not need to be shaved clean.
Aside from the discomfort that might result from that, it has health implications.
Thus, follow these processes:
- Soak First: Wet with water first.
- Use a Shaving Stick For Pubic Hair
- Wash With Soap And Water
- Use Powders: Sprinkle a little bit of powder to keep your arm fresh and enhance the excellent scent.
Avoid a clean shave. Be careful to avoid cuts.

8. Learn to Walk with a Handkerchief
Handkerchiefs have their intended use.
However, besides those intended use, male folks can use it to clean faces and hands.
It can also serve as protection from dust.
- Buy More Than One Handkerchief: A minimum of 3 is excellent. Wash them every day. To make it easier, take them alongside you as you take your bath.
- Use For Picking Nose and Cleaning Face Often. When you have the drive to pick your nose, use your handkerchief.
- Clean Your face Often: Using a Handkerchief will help clean off excess dirt and oil. It is a substitute if you can’t wash your face during the day.
Don’t purchase hard handkerchiefs.
Invest in soft tissues that wouldn’t be hard on your skin.
9. Keep a Clean Beard or Clean Shave
A neatly trimmed beard and a complete-shaved beard enhance your physical appearance.
That’s why it’s making our list of the best hygiene tips for guys.
Below are ways to keep up and stay fresh.
- Buy Shaving Sticks in a Pack or a Clipper: By in a pack, it’s cheaper that way. If your skin reacts, get a clipper.
- Fix a Date: If you do, your facial hair will not grow beyond your desired look.
- Prepare Your Beard For Shaving: Splash some water on your face. It keeps your beard warm and wet. Use a towel to pat after.
- Shave: Place a mirror in front of you. Start gradually, and don’t be hard on your skin. Use a small towel to clean so you can see areas you haven’t shaved. Wash off with soap when you are done. Apply olive oil or any other ointment for relaxation.

If you must use a clipper provided at the barbers’ shop, make sure it is being sanitized.
Before you leave for a salon, wash your face.
When you are back, do the same with soap and water, then apply oil.
Promise fulfilled! You’ve seen the comprehensive list of the best hygiene tips for guys!
What can we conclude?
Final Thoughts
You will agree that changing your underwear, maintaining fresh breaths, bathing regularly, and keeping your room clean will enhance your hygiene.
When it comes to the best hygiene tips for guys, every male must pay careful attention to them.
Granted, though, if you do all these, you will surely stay fresh always and neat.
And you might not need to invest in expensive perfumes to cover up your oozing body or clothes.
Nevertheless, you might still wish to invest in a quality perfume after applying all these tips.
In that case, it will be cool to put others into consideration.
Choose one that would not be offensive, thus ruining your effort to stay fresh and crisp.
Further, if you wouldn’t mind using a body spray or a Roll-on deodorant, be sure you know its maker.
Verify if it comes with no side effects.
Read the labels of the powder before use to confirm if there won’t be skin irritation.
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Nice insight. People really need to take personal hygiene seriously. Nobody likes to roll with someone with body or mouth odor.
Definitely! Thanks for stopping by.
So it’s not just about the person. It has a lot to do with the environment…hmm
And by the way, what does that mean?
Your approach to personal hygiene is definitely more holistic
The introduction caught me and you know the rest… I read all theouetp the last full stop!
WoW! This is encouraging. Thanks a lot for that!
I am almost carry away. I really appreciate all the tips and I am recommending it to all my staff and students.