20 Incredible Personal Hygiene Tips for Students

Some things you do as a student sometimes make you susceptible to an unhygienic environment. 

Laced with facts about hygiene, this article will help you prevent unhygienic situations.

So, join me as we ride to learn these useful personal hygiene tips for students.

The First Personal Hygiene Tips for Students

A blue sponge

1. What Your Sponge Does

The sponge used in washing and cleaning in the kitchen is an ideal environment for bacteria growth. 

Being wet and absorbent, they excellently breed microorganisms. 

How to Keep the sponge free from bacteria: 

  • Sterilize sponges regularly, daily if possible.
  • Keep sponges as dry as possible.
  • Change sponge at least every month.

A neat or clean kitchen is not only attractive but also comfortable to work in. 

To keep the kitchen clean, wash and clean the kitchen, and kitchen utensils.

2. The Resultant Effect of Flushing

Flushing sprays contaminated droplets of water on toothbrushes and all over the bathroom.

How to Keep Your Brush off Spray Water: 

  • Use a wall-mounted toothbrush holder.
  • Store toothbrushes at least four feet away from the toilet sink.
  • Make it a practice to close the toilet lid while flushing.

Poop water is not an ideal substance for any personal belonging.

Especially, on a toothbrush used daily.

3. The Side Effects of Cans

Most Bottles or Can drinks are transported and stored in all sorts of places where they are at risk of being licked by mice.

How to Stay Safe:

  • Always clean bottles and cans before drinking.
  • Use a straw if it is available.
A neat remote control

4. What Television and Light Switches Do

Television remotes and light switches are highly contaminated objects breeding high levels of bacteria.

How to Use Remote:

  • Wash hands after using remote controls and switchboards in public places such as hotels.
  • Before a meal, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. 

5. What Door Handles are

Door handles are a lurking zone for germs.

Tips on How to Use Door Handles:

  • Wear gloves when using door handles of public toilets.
  • Use a paper towel or tissues to open door handles. 

While you wash your hands thoroughly after using the bathroom, the door handles you touch on your way out comfortably serve germs to those clean hands.

Also Check How to Protect Yourself from Coronavirus Tips

6. The Danger of Swimming

Swimmers bring many pollutants into the water.

This includes bacteria from saliva, excretory products, and sebum.

This happens within the first 15 minutes of entering the water.

If you always swim alongside other students, these tips will come in handy. 

How to Use Swimming Pools:

  • Shower before and after entering the pool.
  • Try as much as possible not to swallow pool water.
  • Take breaks at regular intervals.

7. What Your Fingernails Could do

Fingernails can harbor germs, especially when not well taken care of.

How to Care for Nails:

  • Regularly trim nails.
  • Ensure that manicure tools are cleaned before use.
  • Use germ protection soaps to wash hands regularly.

8. Your Phone can be Deadly

Phones contain more bacteria than toilet seats.

Tips on How to Use Phones Well:

  • Wash hands after using public phones.
  • Avoid toilet texting.
  • Have a phone break when you want to have a meal 
  • Don’t text and eat. 

9. Be Careful with Pets

By licking, millions of disease-causing parasites can be transferred from dogs to humans.

Tips on How to Avoid Animal Disease:

  • Avoid bites from dogs.
  • Wash hands with soap and lots of water after contact with pets and their waste products.

Pets, especially dogs, can also cause you to become unclean.

10. Be Careful with Ice

Ice from restaurants is mostly unhygienic.

How to Treat Ice:

  • Use ice produced at home or from a trusted restaurant.
  • Use gloves or clean hands when handling ice. 

Most restaurants rarely clean ice machines, and so the ice produced contains bacteria.

The preceding subheading discussed personal hygiene tips for students.

Following that same pattern, the next subheading discusses more facts about hygiene.

These are based on personal belongings, those items you used daily. 

And yes, as usual, we’d also be considering practical tips. Enjoy!

The Second Personal Hygiene Tips for Students

Neat sneakers that offer personal hygiene tips for students

11. Moisture from Shoes Are Harmful

The moisture trapped in shoes can cause infections and odor. 

During summer, wearing bad shoes can contribute to health problems and cause injury.

How to Treat Shoes:

  • Wear quality leather shoes.
  • Wear clean socks in shoes to absorb sweat.
  • Regularly wipe the insides of your shoes.
  • Sprinkle foot powder in shoes for excess moisture.

Research shows that although fashionable, not wearing socks in shoes can contribute to bad foot health.

12. What do You think about Your Towel?

The moisture absorbed by towels enables them to breed many unwanted germs. 

A particular study found 90% of towels to be contaminated with bacteria.

How to Treat Towels:

  • After using a towel once, ensure that it dries completely before the next use.
  • Wash towels frequently, at least every week.
  • Avoid sharing towels.

On this 12th personal hygiene tip for students, some cases require frequent washing of towels. 

If your towel comes in contact with eczema, health experts recommend washing towels after use.  

Generally, regular washing and air-drying towels will keep them hygienic for use.

13. The Role Your Socks Play

While wearing socks play a significant role in keeping the feet healthy. 

Wearing tight or wet socks can constrict circulation in the feet and cause infections.

How to care for Socks:

  • Warm socks before putting them on.
  • Avoid wearing old, wet, or dirty socks.
  • Use cotton socks.

14. Your Floor Can be Deadly

The dirtiest component of a building is its floors. 

Carpet floors especially contain germs from shoe soles and dirty wind loads that blow in.

This makes it a perfect home and lurking spot for organisms and rubble.

How to clean floors:

  • Vacuum floors regularly.
  • Clean spills immediately and keep floors dry.
  • Avoid wearing shoes inside the house, except for indoor-only shoes.

15. What Your Underwear Says

Wearing the same underwear two days in a row cause side effects.

This may lead to more severe health conditions. 

According to a health coach, re-wearing unwashed underwear exposes genitals to bacteria.

How to care for underwear:

  • Make it a habit to wash underwear after only one use.
  • Change underwear after participating in sweat-inducing activities.
  • Replace underwear every six months to a year.

Also Read on 9 Best Hygiene Tips for Guys: Learn it the Simple way

16. Your Bedsheets and Pillowcases Need Care

Bedsheets and pillowcases can harbor bacteria, which may cause flu or food poisoning.

How to care for bed sheets:

  • Wash bedding sheets weekly.
  • Completely replace sheets every two to three years.

When not well-taken care of, bedsheets become homes for millions of dust mites and dead skin cells. 

I’m sure you don’t want to lay on that!

17. Cutleries Can Kill

Cutleries may contain germs that can cause foodborne illness, sometimes even after washing!

Tips on Handling cutleries:

  • Be observant while visiting restaurants; chances of dirty cutleries are high if the environment is dirty.
  • Avoid reusing disposable plastic cutlery.
  • Wash steel cutlery with hot water and dish soap regularly.
  • Make it a habit to rinse cutlery before use, even after the regular washing has been done.

18. Your Handbag is Deadlier than the Toilet

Handbags host more bacteria than an average toilet and can even cause illness.

Caring for Handbags:

  • Use antibacterial cleaning agents, disinfect handbags at least every week.
  • Avoid placing bags on floors in public places; hang on a hook or door handle instead.

19. Think about your Curtains

Curtains can accumulate allergens, germs, dust mites, and bring about the creation of molds.

If ignored for long periods, it may cause harm to one’s health.

How to care for curtains:

  • Use lukewarm water and mild detergents to wash curtains every three to six months.
  • Regularly shake off the dust from them, every day if possible.

Apart from the hygiene benefits, clean curtains help keep the house fresh and clean.

20. What Does Your Hair Need?

Unwashed hair accumulates dirt, attracts dust, and can cause hair loss.

How to care for your hair

  • Wash hair occasionally using the right shampoo.
  • Use suitable water temperature for washing hair.

Some folks feel that leaving the hair dirty helps it grow faster. 

In reality, though, a clean, healthy scalp facilitates hair growth.

Final Thoughts

The importance of personal hygiene tips for students cannot be overemphasized. 

Be sure to apply these personal hygiene tips for students discussed above.

If you do, you will enjoy personal hygiene’s incredible health benefits.

When you cultivate good personal hygiene, you will stay healthy!

We all desire good health, and this is one way to accomplish that.

Please, share these personal hygiene tips for students with others!

Welcome! I’m Trust. I’m a writer, public instructor, and mobile photographer. I’m passionate about an organized and productive life and have keen concern for folks living with ADHD and those having a slow processing speed. Join me on this journey as we live an organized and productive life!

10 thoughts on “20 Incredible Personal Hygiene Tips for Students”

  1. Thanks for the great tips! Every student should read this, especially my fellow ‘hostel-ites’😁
    And the last part about hair is 💯💯


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