5 Risks of a Child Using a Mobile Phone With Great Tips

A child operating a tablet

I’ve decided to highlight only significant risks that affect all kids regardless of their region.  Think for a moment: Would you want to shoot your kids if you were given a gun? No! That’s too gory to imagine. But if care isn’t taken, the mobile phone you get your kids could be synonymous with shooting … Read more

How to Deep Clean Kitchen: 6 Simple Ways

A drawer contributing to how to deep clean kitchen

I already assume that you are among those responsible and diligent individuals who appreciate hygiene.  Before we go on, I’d love to start with a disclosure: I have sometimes struggled to keep my kitchen clean. But right now, I’ve won the battle, and that’s why I’m delighted to unveil these tips.  So, you can trust … Read more

9 Best Hygiene Tips for Guys: Learn it the Right Way

A Physically clean man

Have you sometimes sat beside a male folk whose body oozes so badly? How about a young guy with a suffocating mouth odor? Was it a pleasant experience? The answer is obvious. But what if that person is you? Sad huh? I know. Naturally, a perfect little scent is excellent because your body isn’t odorless. … Read more

8 Ways to Make Your Children Enjoy Their Holiday

Children playing during holiday

For most parents, kids’ breaks are often filled with drama and stress. They undergo incessant shouts, yelling, and screaming. But, I’ve got you something to replace them with. However, these practical tips are far from rules or laws. These holiday ideas will make your children enjoy their holiday to the brim. You will enjoy the … Read more

How to Get Double Data and Credit Bonus on Glo and Mtn

The logo of glo and mtn on double data and credit bonus

If you wish to cut down your data expenses on Glo and Mtn, you are in the right place. But, have you noticed that long-time users of Glo and Mtn enjoy data and credit bonuses more? Well, that hasn’t changed. However, there is something new. The two operators have introduced this new way to give out double data and … Read more