The Best ADHD Reading Fonts: 25 Unique Fonts

While there are no universally recommended fonts for people with ADHD, some are often considered more readable and accessible for many.  This article will list the best adhd reading fonts based on this survey done by people.  You will also enjoy the reading experiences of others too! The Best ADHD Reading Fonts: The Font You … Read more

How to Manage ADHD in Adults: 27 Great Experiences

Navigating through ADHD? You are not alone!  There are hundreds of people navigating through ADHD as an adult.  To manage ADHD in adults realistically, you’ll have to read these great experiences from folks around the world.  As you read, pay attention to their strategies.  You will find fitting strategies among the 27 strategies and methods … Read more

ADHD Cleaning Hacks: 50+ Genius Tips from 38 Folks

A home to apply one of the adhd cleaning hacks

You can clean like a pro, even with ADHD!  This article will detail the experiences of ADHD folks and reveal their clever ADHD cleaning hacks.  In each story, there is a “Key Point” section. The key points section will help you find the actual cleaning hack.  Ready?  Okay, examine the genius ADHD cleaning hacks that … Read more